I had been asthmatic right from when I was born. Asthma had become part of my life that I had my inhalers in every part of my house; the living room, bedroom, kitchen and in my car. It was such a stronghold that I couldn’t even laugh hard or exercise without having to use my inhaler.
On one faithful Sunday, Pastor Ose called me into his office and asked me to bring my inhaler. The inhaler I had in my car had just finished so I went home and brought all my inhalers, I had different types and brands of inhalers, because I wasn’t using the regular ones. The pharmacists knew me so well such that whenever I walked into a pharmacy the pharmacist would just go straight to the counter and get me an inhaler without even asking what I wanted.
Pastor collected all the inhalers from me, prayed for me and that was it. As I stepped out of his office, I believed strongly I was healed. Although the enemy kept harassing my mind to buy one on my way home, incase, it happened again. Yet, I stood steadfast on the word of God declared over my body by the man of God.
Right now, I am asthma free and I have never had any reason to use an inhaler again. Truly God is faithful!
Let each testimony minister to you Mark 6:52